Title: Two-movement
Interior/exterior concourse level pathway mural intervention, Spring 2019
Client: FourFortyFour South Flower / Coretrust Capital Partners
Coordinator: Michael McDonald of Gensler
Location: Exterior concourse level of Citigroup Center, 444 S. Flower. Downtown Los Angeles
Details: Acrylic polymer paint on primed ceramic tile. 2 walls @ 9’ x 54’
Photos: James Wong
Interior/exterior concourse level pathway mural intervention, Spring 2019
Client: FourFortyFour South Flower / Coretrust Capital Partners
Coordinator: Michael McDonald of Gensler
Location: Exterior concourse level of Citigroup Center, 444 S. Flower. Downtown Los Angeles
Details: Acrylic polymer paint on primed ceramic tile. 2 walls @ 9’ x 54’
Photos: James Wong
The FourFortyFour South FlowerSt passageway is a long, narrow space of movement, enclosure, and transition. Clad in a square tile grid, two 9 x 54 square foot walls face each other, containing and controlling the movement of transient occupants. A mural in this space can never be seen in its entirety; the viewer does not stop within the space and cannot step back and take in a full view. Playing off the existing grid and taking inspiration from musical concepts of stereo, non synchronicity, and the two-movement sonata form, I designed a mural made up of partial views that temporarily engulf and then release the viewer; movement through space becomes experiential transformation. The existing tile pattern becomes the baseline for the mural; geometries open up spaces within this grid and then return to balance and closure. The mural produces movement and transition through a composition in stereo out of sync.