Title: "Dedicated to Terry Ellsworth' Collabortive mural with AISEBORN.

Client: The American Hotel

Exterior mural intervention. Painted Spring, 2023

Coordinator: Legacy West Media & The American Hotel

Location: Traction Ave district. Downtown Los Angeles, CA.

Details: Acrylic polymer paint and aerosol on primed brick.

Photos: KEEPDRAFTING & Boihan

Terry’s generosity and creativity in shaping and steering emerging artists and his ability to help them tap in and discover what they are meant to offer to the world was a gift that left an indelible impression on Aise and legions of Art Share artists, staff,and the Los Angeles arts community.

Longtime American Hotel resident, Terry Ellsworth was the heart and soul of the Arts District, a revered community activist and cultural historian, and beloved Art Share LA ambassador and artists advocate.

TERRY ELLSWORTH Sept 1, 1948 - Nov 22, 2022